Explore The World Of Bees!

Did you know, there are more than 20,000 known species of bee in the world, with probably more species awaiting discovery?

Did you know that as well as being important pollinators, bees are diverse in appearance and behaviour, with a fascinating variety of nesting, mating and even feeding habits, 

Find out more about bees and how you can help them ...

Best crocus varieties to plant for bees

bumble bee inside purple crocus flower

Science Shows Honey Can Help Treat Cold Sores

jar of clear honey and a honey dipper on a log

Do Wasps Make Honey?  Meet The Honey Wasp!

runny honey drizzling from a wooden honey stick into a small pewter bowl

50 Facts About The Amazing Honey Bee

Honey bee flying toward purple loosestrife flower

What can you do to help bees?

Start with these TOP 10 TIPS TO HELP BEES - and share them with friends.

You could also ask your council to do their bit.

Without doubt, one of the most important thing you can do is ensure you include as many plants for bees in your garden as possible