Bee-haviour - How Bees Live Their Lives And What Bees 'Do'

Learn about different aspects of bee behaviour, by clicking on any of the following links.

beautiful White-tailed Bumble bee Bombus lucorum on a cluster of pink sedum flowers

What do bees eat?
Whilst it's correct that most bees feed on nectar and pollen gathered from flowers, but it's a little-known fact that from time to time, their diets may be varied!

honey bee queen with worker retinue

How do bees communicate?
Learn about the different methods by which bees convey messages to one another via actions and chemical signals.

solitary male bee species sleeping on a twig

Do bees sleep?
Just like humans, bees need to rest.  Read about it here, and watch a video.

honey bee with full pollen baskets

How do bees collect pollen?
Not all bee species transport pollen in the same way.  Learn more here.

worker honey bees collecting water

Do bees drink water?
Yes, here's how bees collect it, what they use it for, and how you provide it.

Honey bee foraging on and pollinating watermelon flower

How do bees keep themselves clean?
Personal hygiene is important for bees!  They must keep their nests clean too!

female Yellow-legged mining bee, Andrena flavipes perched on a leaf

How far do bees fly?
A look at the distances flown by honey bees, bumble bees and various solitary species, in the search for food.

bumble bee flying toward foxglove flower

How and why do bees buzz?
Ever sat by the flowers listening to sound of the bees, and wondered about it? Here's an explanation.

Bombus pascuorum, Common Carder Bumble Bee foraging on pale white and pink-tinged bramble flowers.  this bee is gingery in colour.

How do bees locate flowers?
Bees have to find flowers in order to feed themselves and their colonies or offspring.  And some bees are 'picker' than others too!

dead bees

Do bees fight?
A look at the different scenarios which may create conflict among bees.