Bee That Looks Like A Hummingbird - What Is It?

Dear BuzzAboutBees

Today, I saw a bee that looks and hovers like a hummingbird.  Can you tell me what it is?

I have received such queries both from the UK and the USA, so I thought it was time I wrote about this beautiful insect.

There's a video too, so you can watch this beautiful insect in flight!

What Is This Bee That Looks Like A Hummingbird?

hummingbird hawkmoths foraging on flower blossoms, hovering and with long tongues extended and feeding on nectar

In fact, this is not a type of bee, but a type of hawkmoth, also known as a sphinx moth, or hummingbird moth.  

Hemaris is a genus of sphinx moths hummingbird moths this one is foraging on purple butterfly bushA Hemaris species, also known as a 'sphinx moth' or hummingbird moth

You'll know if you have seen one of the beautiful Hemaris species, since that are known for their partially transparent wings (and may also be referred to as 'clearwing moths').  

There are about 20 Hemaris species, 5 of which are native to North America, and 3 to Europe.

Hummingbird Hawk-moth Macroglossum Stellatarum on honeysuckle - LoniceraMacroglossum stellatarum visiting honeysuckle

Also resembling small hummingbirds, are those of the genus Macroglossum.

I am personally familiar with one of these: the Hummingbird Hawk-moth, Macroglossum stellatarum which has visited our climbing Jasmine.  It's a migratory species, and is most visible in the UK from June. 

Both Hemaris and Macroglossum are moths of the  Sphingidae family.


The use of the word 'hummingbird' as part of the common (or colloquial) name for these lovely moths, is very appropriate, and a great descriptor.

Indeed, taking decent photographs of this enchanting creature can be quite a challenge, owing to its darting, hovering flight, accompanied by rapid wing-beat (e.g. wing span: 50 - 58mm for Macroglossum stellatarum3).

If you haven't witnessed these gorgeous moths in action, do watch the video on this page! 


Look out for hawkmoths foraging on Buddleia, Jasmine, thistles, Red valerian and honeysuckle.

Notice the typically long, out-stretched tongue (proboscis - which measures about 25 mm long in M. stellatarum1as it probes flowers for nectar which provides vital food. 

The proboscis may also be seen curled when in mid flight and when not feeding, or about to feed.

Hummingbird Hawkmoth - Macroglossum stellatarum

hummingbird hawk-moth, Macroglossum stellatarum visiting white Jasmine flowers, side viewMacroglossum stellatarum feeding on our Jasmine - taking a photograph was very challenging!

Macroglossum stellatarum  may be seen visiting gardens on sunny days, but also visits woodlands.  It is one of the few day active moths of the Sphingidae moth family1.

Whilst Macroglossum stellatarum may breed in the UK, it is thought that winters are generally too cool, with only a few individuals overwintering in Britain in milder winters2. 

Interestingly, while most hawkmoth species hibernate as pupae, Macroglossum stellatarum hibernate as adults, or  'imagines'1 ('imago' is the name given to the adult stage of an insect).

green caterpillar of the hummingbird hawk-moth, Macroglossum stellatarumCaterpillar of Macroglossum stellatarum

The green caterpillars can be found from June to October.


1.Stöckl AL, Kelber A. Fuelling on the wing: sensory ecology of hawkmoth foraging. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. 2019 Jun;205(3):399-413. doi: 10.1007/s00359-019-01328-2. Epub 2019 Mar 18. PMID: 30880349; PMCID: PMC6579779.

2. The RSPB - 'Hummingbird hawkmoths in the UK'.

3. Brock, Paul D: Britain's Insects - A Field Guide To The Insects Of Great Britain And Ireland Princeton University Press WILDguides, 2021, ISBN: 9780691179278.