Take this quick bees quiz to test your knowledge about the different types of bees!
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1. How many eyes does a bee have?
a) 6
b) 5
c) 8
d) 12
2. How many honey bees could you find in a healthy colony, at its peak?
a) 100 to 200 honey bees
b) 10 honey bees in total
c) Up to 60,000 honey bees
d) About 1,000 to 2,000 honey bees maximum
3. All of these flowers are useful for bees apart from one. Which is it?
a) Ornamental Bizzy Lizzy
b) Lavender
c) Clover
d) Cornflower
4. What are the members of the honey bee colony?
a) 3 queens, and a combination of knights and soldiers
b) A queen, a beekeeper, and a hive
c) A queen, workers and drones
d) Honey bees and houseflies
5. How many pairs of wings does a bee have?
a) 1
b) 4
c) 6
d) 2
6. Which of these is NOT a real species of bee?:
a) The Hairy Footed Flower Bee
b) Giant Blood Bee
c) The Black-Kneed Bee
d) Sharp-tailed bee
7. For how long can a queen honey bee live? (assuming she is not killed by predators, and does not catch diseases):
a) 1 - 2 years or possibly up to 5 years.
b) About 6 weeks
c) 2 days
d) Up to 100 years
8. How many types of bees are there in the whole world?
a) More than 20,000 known species, with probably more to be discovered.
b) About 15,000 known species, with probably more to be discovered.
c) About 1000,000,000 species, already discovered.
d) Around 100.
9. Which of these foods is not pollinated by bees?:
a) Blueberry
b) Runner bean
c) Mushroom
d) Pumpkin
10. Which type of bee cuts neat little circular shapes from leaves, with which it constructs the egg cells for its nest? (note – this causes no harm to the plant):
a) The Chainsaw-Bee
b) The Leafcutter Bee
c) The Round-hole Cutting Bee
d) The Creative Plant Cutting Bee.
11. Which of these is not made by honey bees:
a) Beeswax
b) Honey
c) Propolis
d) Resin
12. What do bees collect from flowers?
a) Milk and honey
b) Nectar and other insects
c) Nectar and pollen
d) Sugar and nectar
13. How much honey can a single honey bee make in its life time?
a) About a twelfth of a teaspoon
b) About a tablespoon
c) About a gallon
d) About a jar
14. What are the 4 stages of the bee life cycle that all bee species go through?
a) egg, larva, adult bee, make a nest in the ground
b) grub, cocoon, mating, adult bee
c) egg, larvae, pupa, adult.
d) mating, pupa, adult, cocoon.
15. What type of bee is this?
Is it a:
a) Honey bee
b) Mason bee
c) Bumble bee
d) Nomad bee
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