Bees - Why We Love Them, And Doing Your Bit

Over time, I have been collecting feedback from visitors, explaining how they are doing their bit to help bees and pollinators, and why they love bees.

Reader stories


by Alice Sommers (Golden, MO)

Our family has a two lot property and we have a couple of hives. God blessed us with some extra money this year and we have purchased 7 new hives. We have made contacts with old friends and new ones and are placing a hives on 7 different properties within about a 50 mile area.

We are going to split any extra honey they might have and people are getting very excited about bees in our area......We will take care of the hives, while helping the host learn about bees if they are interested.

If the hives do well, we will split that hive and have the host have their own......such fun and joy!

Bees, Aphids And Honeydew

by Sheena (Watford)

"I have found quite a lot of bees attracted to clumps of woolly aphids on my apple trees which I was about to spray to get rid of them (aphids not the bees). Whilst watching the bees for a while I have noticed the bees repeatedly going to the same leaves where the aphids are. Are they milking the aphids like the ants are doing? Whilst one of my very big flowering bushes has now finished and another one is late, there are plenty of others that they like round the garden, so can anyone advise what they are doing? I would love to get rid of these aphids but not at a cost to these bees" .

You can read more about this aphids and honey dew here.

Honey bee Apis mellifera feeding on honey dew secreted by aphids on the underside of a green leaf.Honey bee - Apis mellifera feeding on honey dew.

My Garden Needs Bees

by Margaret Shorter
(Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada)

I support @FeedTheBees and have registered my garden so the can map a continuous world for bees in the lower mainland (Vancouver). I plant flowers to keep them coming back but find I have half the honey bees that I have had in previous years.

Plantable Seed On Pack Label

by Jeff Salisbury
(Orange, CA) 

We produce plant-able, biodegradable seed labels that can be peeled off of a product. This could be the perfect way for any consumer products company to help promote this crisis and get consumers engaged.

Read more:

Our family has a two lot property and we have a couple of hives. God blessed us with some extra money this year and we have purchased 7 new hives. We …

Bees, Aphids And Honeydew 
Bees, Aphids And Honeydew Sheena writes: "I have found quite a lot of bees attracted to clumps of woolly aphids on my apple trees which I was about …

Plantable Seed On Pack Label 
We produce plant-able, biodegradable seed labels that can be peeled off of a product. This could be the perfect way for any consumer products company …

My Garden Needs Bees 
I support @FeedTheBees and have registered my garden so the can map a continuous world for bees in the lower mainland (Vancouver). I plant flowers to keep …

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Honey bee foraging on the pink flowers of a favourite Winter shrub for bees, Daphne Bholua